
    Business Consulting
    UID-Nr.: ATU66188608
    FN: 496321i
    Court of jurisdiction: Handelsgericht Wien
    Seitenberggasse 43/1, 1160 Vienna

  • Illustration: Ralf Ricker

    Map of bodily emotions: Lauri Nummenmaaa, Enrico Glerean, Riitta Hari and Jari K. Hietanen; Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science and Brain Research Unit, O. V. Lounasmaa Laboratory, School of Science, Aalto University, FI-00076, Espoo, Finland; Turku PET Centre, University of Turku, FI-20521, Turku, Finland; and Human Information Processing Laboratory, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Tampere, FI-33014, Tampere, Finland